{% set ticket = ticketObj[0] %}
{% set imagePath = asset_graphics ~ '/logos/' ~ ticket.supplier.slug ~ '.png' %}
{% set phone1 = '' %}
{% set phone2 = '' %}
{% set phone3 = '' %}
{% set number1Prefix = '' %}
{% if ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono 1') != '' %}{% set phone1 = ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono 1') %}{% endif %}
{% if ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono 2') != '' %}{% set phone2 = ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono 2') %}{% endif %}
{% if ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono cellulare') != '' %}{% set phone3 = ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono cellulare') %}{% endif %}
{% if ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('Prefisso') is not null and ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('Prefisso') != "" and ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('Prefisso') != "---" %}{% set number1Prefix = ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('Prefisso') ~ ticket.client.getPhoneByName('Telefono 1') %}{% endif %}
{% set cassa = '' %}
{% set abi = '' %}
{% set risorsa = '' %}
{% set accessori = '' %}
{% set matricole = '' %}
{% set anomalia = '' %}
{% set note = '' %}
{% set connessioni = '' %}
{% set dettagliIntervento = '' %}
{% set slot = '' %}
{% set array = ticketObj[1] %}
{% if array["Cassa"] is defined %}{% set cassa = array["Cassa"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["ABI"] is defined %}{% set abi = array["ABI"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Risorsa"] is defined %}{% set risorsa = array["Risorsa"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Accessori"] is defined %}{% set accessori = array["Accessori"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Matricole"] is defined %}{% set matricole = array["Matricole"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Anomalia"] is defined %}{% set anomalia = array["Anomalia"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Note"] is defined %}{% set note = array["Note"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Connessioni"] is defined %}{% set connessioni = array["Connessioni"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["SLOT"] is defined %}{% set slot = array["SLOT"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Slot"] is defined %}{% set slot = array["Slot"] %}{% endif %}
{% if array["Dettagli intervento"] is defined %}{% set dettagliIntervento = array["Dettagli intervento"] %}{% endif %}
{% if ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('SLOT')|lower == "bpm" %}
{% set imagePath = asset_graphics ~ '/logos/numia.png' %}
{% endif %}
<table class="table table-sm m_b_none bg_w">
<td class="width_40" style="border: 0px">
<h4 class="m_b_none">Verbale intervento</h4>
<h4 class="m_b_10p">Tecnico apparato POS</h4>
<td style="border: 0px" class="txt_a_r">
<img src="{{ asset(imagePath) }}" width="150">
<td style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="2" class="txt_a_c">Riferimenti</th>
<td class="td_w_120p">Spettabile:</td>
<th>{{ ticket.client }}</th>
<td>Numero Ticket:</td>
<th>{{ ticket.number }}</th>
<td>Terminale ID:</td>
<th>{{ ticket.termid }}</th>
<td style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="2" class="txt_a_c">Intervento</th>
<td class="td_w_120p">Intervento richiesto:</td>
<th>{{ ticket.operation.group.value }}</th>
<th>{{ ticket.supplier }} {% if ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('SLOT') != null %}<span style="font-weight:300">(SLOT: {{ ticket.displayJsonValueByColumn('SLOT') }})</span>{% endif %}<span class="f_right" style="padding-right: 10px"><span style="font-weight:300">Tecnico:</span> {{ ticket.technician }}</span></th>
<td>Data apertura ticket:</td>
<th>{{ ticket.datetimeStart|date('d/m/Y') }} <span class="f_right" style="padding-right: 10px"><span style="font-weight:300">Data scadenza:</span> {% if ticket.datetimeExpiration %}{{ ticket.datetimeExpiration|date('d/m/Y H:i') }}{% endif %}</span></th>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="8" class="txt_a_c">Dati Esercente</th>
<td class="td_w_120p">Ragione Sociale:</td>
<th colspan="7">{{ ticket.client }}</th>
<td class="td_w_120p">Indirizzo:</td>
<td>{{ ticket.client.address }}</td>
<td class="td_w_30p">CAP:</td>
<td class="td_w_80p">{{ ticket.client.zip }}</td>
<td class="td_w_30p">Prov:</td>
<td class="td_w_80p">{{ ticket.client.idCity|translate_province_sign_from_city }}</td>
<td class="td_w_30p">Loc:</td>
<td class="td_w_150p">{{ ticket.client.idCity|translate_city_only }}</td>
<td class="td_w_120p">Telefoni:</td>
{% if phone1 != '' %}{{ phone1 }}{% endif %}
{% if phone2 != '' %}{% if phone1 != '' %} / {% endif %}{{ phone2 }}{% endif %}
{% if phone3 != '' %}{% if phone1 != '' or phone2 != '' %} / {% endif %}{{ phone3 }}{% endif %}
{% if number1Prefix != '' %}{% if phone1 != '' or phone2 != '' or phone3 != '' %} / {% endif %}{{ number1Prefix }}{% endif %}
<td colspan="2">Referente:</td>
<td colspan="4">{{ ticket.client.referent }}</td>
<td class="td_w_120p">Orari di apertura:</td>
<td>{{ ticket.client.openings }}</td>
<td colspan="2">Giorno di chiusura:</td>
<td colspan="4">{{ ticket.client.closures }}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="6" class="txt_a_c">Dati Banca</th>
<td class="td_w_120p">Codice SIA/STAB:</td>
<td class="td_w_100p">{{ ticket.client.code }}</td>
<td class="td_w_80p">Num Cassa:</td>
<td class="td_w_80p">{{ cassa|raw }}</td>
<td class="td_w_50p">ABI:</td>
<td>{{ abi|raw }}</td>
<td>Risorsa interessata:</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ risorsa|raw }}</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ accessori|raw }}</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ matricole|raw }}</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ anomalia|raw }}</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ connessioni|raw }}</td>
<td>Ulteriori dettagli:</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ dettagliIntervento|raw }}</td>
<td colspan="5">{{ note }}{% if ticket.getLastSuspension != null %}{% if note != null %}<br>{% endif %}{{ ticket.getLastSuspension.unlockCausal }}{% endif %}</td>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="6" class="txt_a_c">Dati Terminale</th>
<th colspan="6">Si attesta che presso il Punto Vendita sopra indicato sono stati eseguiti:</th>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox"/></td>
<td colspan="5">Intervento tecnico di Installazione/Manutenzione/Sostituzione dell'apparato POS/Upgrade indicato nel contratto di adesione ai servizi di accettazione pagamento</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td colspan="5">Verifica di funzionamento dell'apparato POS ed eventuali accessori (es. DLL, lettura chip, lettura-cles, apertura cont)</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td colspan="5">In allegato relativi scontrini</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td colspan="5">Attività formativa in merito alle modalità di funzionamento dell'apparato POS e altre funzionalità necessarie al funzionamento</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>Consegna vetrofanie</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>Consegna manuali d'uso</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>TLM SMARTPOS: Consegna welcome kit</td>
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<th colspan="3" class="txt_a_c">Conformità Apparato</th>
<th colspan="3">Il titolare delegato attesta che il terminale ricevuto è conforme all'utilizzo: <span style="font-weight:300">(es: estetica, pulizia scocca, assenza di usura)</span></th>
<td colspan="3">Voce applicabile soltanto se l'intervento prevede la consegna di un terminale</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>Terminale conforme</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>Terminale non conforme</td>
<td>Timbro e firma del cliente ___________________________________________________</td>
{% if ticket.supplier.slug == 'nexi-book-monetica' or ticket.supplier.slug == 'nexi-book-meps' or ticket.supplier.slug == 'nexi-book-sia' %}
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12" style="border: 1px solid #222!important">
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>App Nexi Business attivata dal tecnico</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td>App Nexi Business già attiva</td>
<td class="td_w_20p"><input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align: text-top"/></td>
<td colspan="3">Si richiede assistenza per attivare App Nexi Business</td>
<th colspan="4">Nexi Business tramite e-mail ________________________________________ Cellulare ___________________________</th>
{% endif %}
<td colspan="2" style="border: 0px">
<table class="table table_padding_lr b_none m_b_none font_12 m_t_20p">
<th>Data / Ora fine intervento</th>
<th>Timbro / Firma del cliente</th>
<th class="height_40p v_a_b">________________________________________</th>
<th class="height_40p v_a_b">________________________________________</th>
<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>